§ 160A-280. Donations of personal property to other governmental units.
§ 160A‑280. Donationsof personal property to other governmental units.
(a) A city may donateto another governmental unit within the United States, a sister city, or anonprofit organization incorporated by (i) the United States, (ii) the Districtof Columbia, or (iii) one of the United States, any personal property,including supplies, materials, and equipment, that the governing board deems tobe surplus, obsolete, or unused. The governing board of the city shall post apublic notice at least five days prior to the adoption of a resolutionapproving the donation. The resolution shall be adopted prior to making anydonation of surplus, obsolete, or unused personal property. For purposes ofthis section a sister city is a city in a nation other than the United Statesthat has entered into a formal, written agreement or memorandum ofunderstanding with the donor city for the purposes of establishing a long termpartnership to promote communication, understanding, and goodwill betweenpeoples and to develop mutually beneficial activities, programs, and ideas. Theagreement or memorandum of understanding establishing the sister cityrelationship shall be signed by the mayors or chief elective officer of boththe donor and recipient cities.
(b) For the purposes ofthis section, the term "governmental unit" shall have the samemeaning as defined by G.S. 160A‑274(a) and shall include North Carolinacharter schools.
(c) The authoritygranted to a city under this section is in addition to any authority grantedunder any other provision of law. (2007‑430, s. 1; 2009‑141, ss. 1, 2, 3.)