§ 160A-218. Basis for making assessments.
§ 160A‑218. Basisfor making assessments.
Assessments may be made on the basis of:
(1) The frontage abutting on the project, at an equal rate perfoot of frontage, or
(2) The area of land served, or subject to being served, by theproject, at an equal rate per unit of area, or
(3) The value added to the land served by the project, orsubject to being served by it, being the difference between the appraised valueof the land without improvements as shown on the tax records of the county, andthe appraised value of the land with improvements according to the appraisalstandards and rules adopted by the county at its last revaluation, at an equalrate per dollar of value added; or
(4) The number of lots served, or subject to being served,where the project involves extension of an existing system to a residential orcommercial subdivision, at an equal rate per lot; or
(5) A combination of two or more of these bases.
Whenever the basis selected for assessment is either area or valueadded, the council may provide for the laying out of benefit zones according tothe distance of benefited property from the project being undertaken, and mayestablish differing rates of assessment to apply uniformly throughout eachbenefit zone.
For each project, the council shall endeavor to establish an assessmentmethod from among the bases set out in this section which will most accuratelyassess each lot or parcel of land according to the benefit conferred upon it bythe project. The council's decision as to the method of assessment shall befinal and conclusive and not subject to further review or challenge. (1971, c. 698, s. 1.)