§ 159I-24. Conflicts of interest.
§ 159I‑24. Conflicts of interest.
If any member, officer, or employee of the Agency shall be interestedeither directly or indirectly, or shall be an officer or employee of or have anownership interest in any firm or corporation, not including units of localgovernment interested directly or indirectly, in any contract with the Agency,such interest shall be disclosed to the Agency and shall be set forth in theminutes of the Agency. The member, officer, or employee having an interesttherein shall not participate on behalf of the Agency in the authorization ofany such contract. Other provisions of law notwithstanding, failure to takeany or all actions necessary to carry out the purposes of this section may notaffect the validity of any bonds, notes, or loan agreements issued pursuant tothe provisions of this Chapter. (1989, c. 756, s. 1.)