§ 159D-2. Legislative findings and purposes.
§ 159D‑2. Legislative findings and purposes.
(a) The General Assembly finds and determines that there existsin the State a critical condition of unemployment and a scarcity of employmentopportunities; that the economic insecurity which results from suchunemployment and scarcity of employment opportunities constitutes a seriousmenace to the safety, morals and general welfare of the entire State; that suchunemployment and scarcity of employment opportunities have caused many workersand their families, including young adults upon whom future economic prosperityis dependent, to migrate elsewhere to find employment and establish homes; thatsuch emigration has resulted in a reduced rate of growth in the tax base of thecounties and other local governmental units of the State which impairs thefinancial ability of such counties and other local governmental units tosupport education and other local governmental services; that such unemploymentresults in obligations to grant public assistance and to pay unemploymentcompensation; that the aforesaid conditions can best be remedied by theattraction, stimulation, expansion and rehabilitation and revitalization ofindustrial and manufacturing facilities for industry in the State; and thatthere is a need to stimulate a larger flow of private investment funds intoindustrial building programs in the State.
(b) The General Assembly further finds and determines that thedevelopment and expansion of industry within the State, which are essential tothe economic growth of the State, and to the full employment and prosperity ofits people, are accompanied by the increased production and discharge ofgaseous, liquid, and solid pollution and wastes which threaten and endanger thehealth, welfare and safety of the inhabitants of the State by polluting theair, land and waters of the State; that in order to reduce, control, andprevent such environmental pollution, it is imperative that action be taken atvarious levels of government to require the provision of devices, equipment andfacilities for the collection, reduction, treatment, and disposal of suchpollution and wastes; that the assistance provided in this Article, especiallywith respect to financing, is therefore in the public interest and serves apublic purpose of the State in promoting the health, welfare and safety of theinhabitants of the State not only physically by collecting, reducing, treatingand preventing environmental pollution but also economically by securing andretaining private industry thereby maintaining a higher level of employment andeconomic activity and stability.
(c) Repealed by Session Laws 2000, c. 179, s. 2.
(c1) Repealed by Session Laws 2000, c. 179, s. 2.
(d) Repealed by Session Laws 2000, c. 179, s. 2. (1977, 2nd Sess., c. 1198, s. 1; 1987, c. 517, ss. 2,3; 2000‑179, s. 2.)