§ 157-50. Eminent domain for housing projects.
§ 157‑50. Eminentdomain for housing projects.
Any corporation which is an agency of the United States of Americashall have the right to acquire by eminent domain any real property, includingimprovements and fixtures thereon, which it may deem necessary for a housingproject being constructed, operated or aided by it or the United States ofAmerica. Any corporation borrowing money or receiving other financialassistance from the United States of America or any agency thereof for thepurpose of financing the construction or operation of any housing project orprojects, the operation of which will be subject to public supervision orregulation, shall have the right to acquire by eminent domain any realproperty, including fixtures and improvements thereon, which it may deemnecessary for such project. A housing project shall be deemed to be subject topublic supervision or regulation within the meaning of this Article if therents to be charged by it are in any way subject to the supervision, regulationor approval of the United States of America, the State or any of theirsubdivisions or agencies, or by a housing authority, city, municipality orcounty, whether such right to supervise, regulate or approve be by virtue ofany law, statute, contract or otherwise.
Any such corporate agency of the United States of America or any suchcorporation, upon the adoption of a resolution declaring that the acquisitionof the property described therein is in the public interest and necessary forpublic use, may exercise the power of eminent domain pursuant to the provisionsof Chapter 40A. (1935, c. 409, s.3; 1981, c. 919, s. 26.)