§ 153A-39. Selection of chairman and vice-chairman; powers and duties.
Part 3. Organization and Procedures of the Board ofCommissioners.
§ 153A‑39. Selection of chairman and vice‑chairman;powers and duties.
(1) The first Monday in December of each even‑numberedyear; and
(2) Its first regular meeting in December of each odd‑numberedyear,
theboard of commissioners shall choose one of its members as chairman for theensuing year, unless the chairman is elected as such by the people or otherwisedesignated by law. The board shall also at that time choose a vice‑chairmanto act in the absence or disability of the chairman. If the chairman and thevice‑chairman are both absent from a meeting of the board, the memberspresent may choose a temporary chairman.
The chairman is the presiding officer of the board of commissioners.Unless excused by rule of the board, the presiding officer has the duty to voteon any question before the board, but he has no right to break a tie vote inwhich he participated. (Code, s. 706; Rev., s. 1317; C.S., s. 1296; 1945, c. 132; 1951, c.904, s. 1; 1961, c. 154; 1967, c. 617, s. 1; 1969, c. 349, s. 1; c. 1036; 1973,c. 822, s. 1; 1993, c. 95.)