§ 153A-150. Reserve for reappraisal.
§ 153A‑150. Reserve forreappraisal.
Before the beginning of thefiscal year immediately following the effective date of a reappraisal of realproperty conducted as required by G.S. 105‑286, the county budget officershall present to the board of commissioners a budget for financing the cost ofthe next reappraisal. The budget shall estimate the cost of the reappraisal andshall propose a plan for raising the necessary funds in annual installmentsduring the intervening years between reappraisals, with all installments asnearly uniform as practicable. The board shall consider this budget, making anyamendments to the budget it deems advisable, and shall adopt a resolutionestablishing a special reserve fund for the next reappraisal. In the budgetordinance of the first fiscal year of the plan, the board of commissionersshall appropriate to the special reappraisal reserve fund the amount set out inthe plan for the first year's installment. When the county budget for eachsucceeding fiscal year is in preparation, the board shall review thereappraisal budget with the budget officer and shall amend it, if necessary, sothat it will reflect the probable cost at that time of the reappraisal and willproduce the necessary funds at the end of the intervening period. In the budgetordinance for each succeeding fiscal year, the board shall appropriate to thespecial reappraisal reserve fund the amount set out in the plan as due in thatyear.
Moneys appropriated to thespecial reappraisal reserve fund shall not be available or expended for anypurpose other than the reappraisal of real property required by G.S. 105‑286,except that the funds may be deposited at interest or invested as permitted byG.S. 159‑30. If there is a fund balance in the reserve fund following paymentfor the required reappraisal, it shall be retained in the fund for use infinancing the next required reappraisal.
Within 10 days after theadoption of each annual budget ordinance, the county finance officer shallreport to the Department of Revenue, on forms to be supplied by the Department,the terms of the county's reappraisal budget, the current condition of thespecial reappraisal reserve fund, and the amount appropriated to the reservefund in the current fiscal year. (1959, c. 704, s. 6; 1971, c. 806, s. 4; c. 931, s.2; 1973, c. 476, s. 193; c. 822, s. 1; 2008‑146, s. 1.3.)