§ 15-145. Form of bill for perjury.
§15‑145. Form of bill for perjury.
In every indictment forwillful and corrupt perjury it is sufficient to set forth the substance of theoffense charged upon the defendant, and by what court, or before whom, the oathwas taken (averring such court or person to have competent authority toadminister the same), together with the proper averments to falsify the matterwherein the perjury is assigned, without setting forth the bill, answer,information, indictment, declaration, or any part of any record or proceedings,either in law or equity, other than aforesaid, and without setting forth thecommission or authority of the court or person before whom the perjury wascommitted. In indictments for perjury the following form shall be sufficient,to wit:
The jurors for the State, ontheir oath, present, that A.B., of______ County, did unlawfully commit perjuryupon the trial of an action in ______ court, in ________ County, wherein________ was plaintiff and ______ was defendant, by falsely asserting, on oath (orsolemn affirmation) (here set out the statement or statements alleged to befalse), knowing the said statement, or statements, to be false, or beingignorant whether or not said statement was true. (1842, c. 49, s. 1; R.C., c.35, s. 16; Code, s. 1185; 1889, c. 83; Rev., ss. 3246, 3247; C.S., s. 4615.)