§ 147-69.8. Annual report on new investment authority.
§ 147‑69.8. Annualreport on new investment authority.
Whenever the General Assemblybroadens the investment authority of the State Treasurer as to the GeneralFund, the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System, the ConsolidatedJudicial Retirement System, the Firemen's and Rescue Squad Workers' PensionFund, the Local Governmental Employees' Retirement System, the LegislativeRetirement System, the North Carolina National Guard Pension Fund, or any idlefunds, the State Treasurer shall annually report in detail to the GeneralAssembly the investments made under such new authority, including the returnson those investments, earnings, changes to value, and gains and losses indisposition of such investments. The report shall be made during the first sixmonths of each calendar year, covering performance in the prior calendar year.As to each type of new investment authority, the report shall be made for atleast four years. (2009‑283,s. 4.)