§ 147-33.113. State agency cooperation.
§ 147‑33.113. Stateagency cooperation.
(a) The head of eachState agency shall cooperate with the State Chief Information Officer in thedischarge of his or her duties by:
(1) Providing the fulldetails of the agency's information technology and operational requirements andof all the agency's information technology security incidents within 24 hoursof confirmation.
(2) Providingcomprehensive information concerning the information technology securityemployed to protect the agency's information technology.
(3) Forecasting theparameters of the agency's projected future information technology securityneeds and capabilities.
(4) Designating anagency liaison in the information technology area to coordinate with the StateChief Information Officer. The liaison shall be subject to a criminalbackground report from the State Repository of Criminal Histories, which shallbe provided by the State Bureau of Investigation upon its receivingfingerprints from the liaison. If the liaison has been a resident of this Statefor less than five years, the background report shall include a review ofcriminal information from both the State and National Repositories of CriminalHistories. The criminal background report shall be provided to the State ChiefInformation Officer and the head of the agency. In addition, all personnel inthe Office of State Auditor who are responsible for information technologysecurity reviews pursuant to G.S. 147‑64.6(c)(18) shall be subject to acriminal background report from the State Repository of Criminal Histories,which shall be provided by the State Bureau of Investigation upon receivingfingerprints from the personnel designated by the State Auditor. For designatedpersonnel who have been residents of this State for less than five years, thebackground report shall include a review of criminal information from both theState and National Repositories of Criminal Histories. The criminal backgroundreports shall be provided to the State Auditor. Criminal histories providedpursuant to this subdivision are not public records under Chapter 132 of theGeneral Statutes.
(b) The informationprovided by State agencies to the State Chief Information Officer under thissection is protected from public disclosure pursuant to G.S. 132‑6.1(c). (2001‑424, s. 15.2(b);2003‑153, s. 1(a); 2004‑129, ss. 12, 14; 2007‑155, s. 2; 2007‑189,ss. 2, 5.1.)