§ 146-23. Agency must file statement of needs; Department must investigate.
§146‑23. Agency must file statement of needs; Department mustinvestigate.
Any State agency desiring toacquire land, whether by purchase, condemnation, lease, or rental, shall filewith the Department of Administration an application setting forth its needs,and shall furnish such additional information as the Department may requestrelating thereto. Upon receipt of such application, the Department ofAdministration shall promptly investigate all aspects of the requestedacquisition, including the existence of actual need for the requested propertyon the part of the requesting agency; the availability of land already owned bythe State or by any State agency which might meet the requirements of therequesting agency; the availability, value, and status of title of other land,whether for purchase, condemnation, lease, or rental, which might meet therequirements of the requesting agency; and the availability of funds to pay forland if purchased, condemned, leased, or rented. The Department of Administrationmay make acquisitions at the request of the Governor and Council of State uponcompliance with the investigation herein required. (1957, c. 584, s. 6; G.S., s.146‑104; 1959, c. 683, s. 1; 1969, c. 1091, s. 2.)