§ 143C-6-1. Budget enacted by the General Assembly; certified budgets of State agencies.
Article 6.
Administration of theBudget.
Part 1. Certification andAdministration of the Budget.
§ 143C‑6‑1. Budget enacted by the General Assembly; certified budgets of State agencies.
(a) Governor toAdminister the Budget as Enacted by the General Assembly. In accordance withSection 5(3) of Article III of the North Carolina Constitution, the Governorshall administer the budget as enacted by the General Assembly. Allappropriations of State funds now or hereafter made to the State agencies andnon‑State entities authorize expenditures only for the (i) purposes orprograms and (ii) objects or line items enumerated in the Recommended StateBudget and the Budget Support Document recommended to the General Assembly bythe Governor, as amended and enacted by the General Assembly in the CurrentOperations Appropriations Act, the Capital Improvements Appropriations Act, orany other act affecting the State budget. The Governor shall ensure thatappropriations are expended in strict accordance with the budget enacted by theGeneral Assembly.
(b) DepartmentalReceipts. Departmental receipts collected to support a program or purposeshall be credited to the fund from which appropriations have been made tosupport that program or purpose.
(c) Certification ofthe Budget. The Director of the Budget shall certify to each State agency theamount appropriated to it for each program and each object from allgovernmental and proprietary funds. The certified budget for each State agencyshall reflect the total of all appropriations enacted for each State agency bythe General Assembly in the Current Operations Appropriations Act, the CapitalImprovements Appropriations Act, and any other act affecting the State budget.The certified budget for each State agency shall follow the format of theBudget Support Document as modified to reflect changes enacted by the GeneralAssembly. (2006‑203,s. 3.)