§ 143C-4-4. Contingency and Emergency Fund.
§ 143C‑4‑4. Contingency and Emergency Fund.
(a) Creation. TheContingency and Emergency Fund is established within the General Fund. TheGeneral Assembly shall appropriate a specific amount to this fund forcontingencies and emergencies in the Current Operations Appropriations Act orother appropriations bill.
(b) Authorized Uses. Notwithstandingany other provision of law, funds appropriated to the Contingency and EmergencyFund may be used only for expenditures required: (i) by a court or Industrial Commissionorder, (ii) to respond to events as authorized under G.S. 166A‑5(1)a.9.of the Emergency Management Act, or (iii) for other statutorily authorizedpurposes or other contingencies and emergencies.
(c) Request forAllocation. A State agency may request an allocation from the Contingency andEmergency Fund by submitting a request in writing to the Director along withany information required by the Director. If the Director approves the request,the Director shall present the request, together with a recommendation, to theCouncil of State for its approval. If the Council of State approves therequest, the Director shall order the Controller to allocate the fundsrequested. The Director shall report on the request at the next scheduledmeeting of the Joint Legislative Commission on Governmental Operations. (2006‑203, s. 3.)