§ 143C-4-3. Repairs and Renovations Reserve Account.
§ 143C‑4‑3. Repairs and Renovations Reserve Account.
(a) Creation and Sourceof Funds. The Repairs and Renovations Reserve Account is established as areserve in the General Fund. The State Controller shall reserve to the Repairsand Renovations Reserve Account one‑fourth of any unreserved fundbalance, as determined on a cash basis, remaining in the General Fund at theend of each fiscal year.
(b) Use of Funds. Thefunds in the Repairs and Renovations Reserve Account shall be used only for therepair and renovation of State facilities and related infrastructure that aresupported from the General Fund. Funds from the Repairs and Renovations ReserveAccount shall be used only for the following types of projects:
(1) Roof repairs andreplacements;
(2) Structural repairs;
(3) Repairs andrenovations to meet federal and State standards;
(4) Repairs toelectrical, plumbing, and heating, ventilating, and air‑conditioningsystems;
(5) Improvements to meetthe requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. § 12101, etseq., as amended;
(6) Improvements to meetfire safety needs;
(7) Improvements toexisting facilities for energy efficiency;
(8) Improvements toremove asbestos, lead paint, and other contaminants, including the removal andreplacement of underground storage tanks;
(9) Improvements andrenovations to improve use of existing space;
(10) Historicalrestoration;
(11) Improvements toroads, walks, drives, utilities infrastructure; and
(12) Drainage andlandscape improvements.
Funds from the Repairs andRenovations Reserve Account shall not be used for new construction or theexpansion of the building area (sq. ft.) of an existing facility unlessrequired in order to comply with federal or State codes or standards.
(c) Use of Funds. Funds Available Only Upon Appropriation. Funds reserved to the Repairs andRenovations Reserve Account shall be available for expenditure only upon an actof appropriation by the General Assembly. (2006‑203, s. 3.)