§ 143B-540. Comprehensive Juvenile Delinquency and Substance Abuse Prevention Plan.
Part 5. Comprehensive Juvenile Delinquency andSubstance Abuse Prevention Plan.
§ 143B‑540. Comprehensive Juvenile Delinquencyand Substance Abuse Prevention Plan.
(a) The Department shall implement the comprehensive juveniledelinquency and substance abuse prevention plan developed by the Office ofJuvenile Justice and shall coordinate with County Councils for implementationof a continuum of services and programs at the community level.
The Department shall ensure that localities are informed about bestpractices in juvenile delinquency and substance abuse prevention.
(b) The plan shall contain the following:
(1) Identification of the risk factors at the developmentalstages of a juvenile's life that may result in delinquent behavior.
(2) Identification of the protective factors that families,schools, communities, and the State must support to reduce the risk of juveniledelinquency.
(3) Programmatic concepts that are effective in preventingjuvenile delinquency and substance abuse and that should be made available asbasic services in the communities, including:
a. Early intervention programs and services.
b. In‑home training and community‑based familycounseling and parent training.
c. Adolescent and family substance abuse prevention services,including alcohol abuse prevention services, and substance abuse education.
d. Programs and activities offered before and after schoolhours.
e. Life and social skills training programs.
f. Classes or seminars that teach conflict resolution, problemsolving, and anger management.
g. Services that provide personal advocacy, including mentoringrelationships, tutors, or other caring adult programs.
(c) The Department shall cooperate with all other affected Stateagencies and entities in implementing this section. (1998‑202, s. 1(b); 2000‑137, s. 1(b).)