§ 143B-509.1. State Capitol Police Division - powers and duties.
Part 9. State Capitol PoliceDivision.
§ 143B‑509.1. StateCapitol Police Division powers and duties.
(a) DivisionEstablished. There is hereby established, within the Department of CrimeControl and Public Safety, the State Capitol Police Division, which shall beorganized and staffed in accordance with applicable laws and regulations andwithin the limits of authorized appropriations.
(b) Purpose. TheState Capitol Police Division shall serve as a special police agency of theDepartment of Crime Control and Public Safety. The Director of the StateCapitol Police, appointed by the Secretary pursuant to G.S. 143B‑476(6),with the approval of the Governor, may appoint as special police officers suchreliable persons as he may deem necessary.
(c) Appointment ofOfficers. Special police officers appointed pursuant to this section may notexercise the power of arrest until they shall take an oath, to be administeredby any person authorized to administer oaths, as required by law.
(d) Jurisdiction of Officers. Each special police officer of the State Capitol Police shall have the samepower of arrest as the police officers of the City of Raleigh. Such authoritymay be exercised within the same territorial jurisdiction as exercised by thepolice officers of the City of Raleigh, and in addition thereto the authorityof a deputy sheriff may be exercised on property owned, leased, or maintainedby the State located in the County of Wake.
(e) Reserved for futurecodification purposes.
(f) Public Safety. TheDirector of the State Capitol Police, or the Director's designee, shallexercise at all times those means that, in the opinion of the Director or thedesignee, may be effective in protecting all State buildings and grounds,except for the State legislative buildings and grounds as defined in G.S. 120‑32.1(d),and the persons within those buildings and grounds from fire, bombs, bombthreats, or any other emergency or potentially hazardous conditions, includingboth the ordering and control of the evacuation of those buildings and grounds.The Director, or the Director's designee, may employ the assistance of otheravailable law enforcement agencies and emergency agencies to aid and assist inevacuations of those buildings and grounds. (2009‑451, s. 17.3(f).)