§ 143B-472.123. The Office of Economic Opportunity designated agency; powers and duties.
§ 143B‑472.123. TheOffice of Economic Opportunity designated agency; powers and duties.
(a) The Office ofEconomic Opportunity of the Department shall administer the WeatherizationAssistance Program for Low‑Income Families established by 42 U.S.C. § 6861,et seq., and 42 U.S.C. § 7101, et seq.; the Heating/Air Repair and ReplacementProgram established by the Secretary under G.S. 108A‑70.30; and any otherenergy‑related assistance program for the benefit of low‑incomepersons in existing housing. The Office of Economic Opportunity shall exercisethe following powers and duties:
(1) Establish standardsand criteria to carry out the provisions and purposes of this Part.
(2) Develop policy,criteria, and standards for receiving and processing applications forweatherization assistance.
(3) Make decisions andpursue appeals from decisions to accept or deny applications forweatherization, replacement of heating and cooling systems, and other energy‑relatedassistance programs or otherwise participate in the State plan as a subgranteeor contractor.
(4) Adopt rules,consistent with the laws of this State, that may be required by the federalgovernment for grants‑in‑aid for the Weatherization AssistanceProgram for Low‑Income Families, the Heating/Air Repair and ReplacementProgram, or other energy‑related assistance programs for the benefit oflow‑income residents in existing housing. This section shall be liberallyconstrued in order that this State and its citizens may benefit from suchgrants‑in‑aid.
(5) Establish proceduresfor the submission of periodic reports by any community action agency or otheragency or entity authorized to manage a weatherization project, replacement ofheating and cooling systems, or other energy‑related assistance project.
(6) Implement criteriafor periodic review of weatherization, replacement of heating and coolingsystems, or other energy‑related programs in existing housing for low‑incomehouseholds.
(7) Solicit, accept,hold, and administer on behalf of this State any grants or bequests of money,securities, or property for the benefit of low‑income residents inexisting housing for use by the Department or other agencies in theadministration of this Part.
(8) Create a PolicyAdvisory Council within the Office of Economic Opportunity that shall advisethe Office of Economic Opportunity with respect to the development andimplementation of a Weatherization Program for Low‑Income Families, theHeating/Air Repair and Replacement Program, and any other energy‑relatedassistance program for the benefit of low‑income persons in existinghousing.
(b) The Secretary shallhave final decision‑making authority with regard to all functionsdescribed in this Part. (2006‑206, s. 2; 2009‑446, s. 2(a).)