§ 143B-437.47. (This part has a delayed repeal date. See notes.) Powers, duties, and goals of the Authority.
§ 143B‑437.47. (Thispart has a delayed repeal date. See notes.) Powers, duties, and goals of theAuthority.
(a) Powers. TheAuthority shall have the following powers:
(1) To employ, contractwith, direct, and supervise all personnel and consultants.
(2) To apply for,accept, and utilize grants, contributions, and appropriations in order to carryout its duties and goals as defined in this Part.
(3) To enter intocontracts and to provide support and assistance to local governments, nonprofitentities, for‑profit entities, regional partnerships, and business andtechnology centers in carrying out its duties and goals under this Part.
(4) To review andrecommend changes in all laws, rules, programs, and policies of this State orany agency or subdivision thereof to further the goals of rural and distressedurban area Internet access.
(b) Duties. TheAuthority shall have the following duties:
(1) To monitor andsafeguard the investments made and contracts negotiated by the Rural InternetAccess Authority in carrying out its functions under S.L. 2000‑149 untilsuch time as all contracts negotiated by the RIAA are complete.
(2) To maintain a website with accurate, current, and complete information about the availability ofpresent telecommunications and Internet services with periodic updates on thedeployment of new telecommunications and broadband Internet services, as wellas information on public access sites and digital literacy training programs inNorth Carolina.
(3) To continue effortsto ensure that high‑speed broadband Internet access remains available toevery citizen of North Carolina at affordable prices in rural counties andurban distressed areas.
(4) To attract andcoordinate funding of federal, foundation, and corporate dollars for regionaland Statewide technology initiatives and to assist local government, includinge‑communities (the 85 rural counties and the Eastern Band of the Cherokeewho have completed the e‑communities process), in obtaining grants tofurther enhance their technology infrastructure.
(5) To propose fundingfrom other appropriate sources for incentives without technology bias for theprivate sector to make necessary investments to achieve the Authority's goalsand objectives.
(6) To provideleadership, coordination, and support for grassroots efforts targetingtechnology‑based economic development.
(7) To provideleadership, coordination, and support for telecommunications policy assessmentas it relates to providing high‑speed Internet access in rural countiesand urban distressed areas.
(8) To promotecollaborative technology projects, programs, and activities that reflectcomprehensive efforts to develop technology‑based economic developmentinitiatives that utilize high‑speed broadband Internet as a platform.
(9) To encouragereplicable and scalable Internet applications in government, health care,education, and business that will assist the communities of North Carolina toremain competitive with respect to knowledge of, and use of, as well asaffordable access to the high‑speed Internet.
(10) To promote the use ofconstitutionally valid protective actions to limit the electronic distributionof material that is considered obscene, as defined by G.S. 14‑190.1(b),to children via the Internet.
(c) Reserved for futurecodification purposes.
(d) Limitations. TheAuthority shall not have the power of eminent domain or the power to levy anytax, or to impose any charge, surcharge, or fees on telephone ortelecommunications services.
(e) Reports. TheAuthority shall submit quarterly reports to the Governor, the Joint LegislativeOversight Committee on Information Technology, and the Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations. The reports shall summarize theAuthority's activities during the quarter and contain any information about theAuthority's activities that is requested by the Governor, the Committee, or theCommission. (2003‑425,s. 1; 2004‑129, s. 45A.)