§ 143B-426.39. Powers and duties of the State Controller.
§ 143B‑426.39. Powersand duties of the State Controller.
The State Controller shall:
(1) Prescribe, develop,operate, and maintain in accordance with generally accepted principles ofgovernmental accounting, a uniform state accounting system for all stateagencies. The system shall be designed to assure compliance with all legal andconstitutional requirements including those associated with the receipt andexpenditure of, and the accountability for public funds. The State Controllermay elect to review a State agency's compliance with prescribed uniform Stateaccounting system standards, as well as applicable legal and constitutionalrequirements related to compliance with such standards.
(2) On therecommendation of the State Auditor, prescribe and supervise the installationof any changes in the accounting systems of an agency that, in the judgment ofthe State Controller, are necessary to secure and maintain internal control andfacilitate the recording of accounting data for the purpose of preparing reliableand meaningful statements and reports. The State Controller shall beresponsible for seeing that a new system is designed to accumulate informationrequired for the preparation of budget reports and other financial reports.
(3) Maintain complete,accurate and current financial records that set out all revenues, chargesagainst funds, fund and appropriation balances, interfund transfers,outstanding vouchers, and encumbrances for all State funds and other publicfunds including trust funds and institutional funds available to, encumbered,or expended by each State agency, in a manner consistent with the uniform Stateaccounting system.
(4) Prescribe theuniform classifications of accounts to be used by all State agencies includingreceipts, expenditures, assets, liabilities, fund types, organization codes,and purposes. The State Controller shall also, after consultation with theOffice of State Budget and Management, prescribe a form for the periodicreporting of financial accounts, transactions, and other matters that iscompatible with systems and reports required by the State Controller under thissection. Additional records, accounts, and accounting systems may be maintainedby agencies when required for reporting to funding sources provided prior approvalis obtained from the State Controller.
(4a) Prescribe that,unless exempted by the State Controller, newly created or acquired componentunits of the State are required to have the same fiscal year as the State.
(5) Prescribe the mannerin which disbursements of the State agencies shall be made and may require thatwarrants, vouchers, electronic payments, or checks, except those drawn by theState Auditor, State Treasurer, and Administrative Officer of the Courts, shallbear two signatures of officers as designated by the State Controller.
(6) Prescribe, develop,operate, and maintain a uniform payroll system, in accordance with G.S. 143B‑426.40Gand G.S. 143C‑6‑6 for all State agencies. This uniform payrollsystem shall be designed to assure compliance with all legal and constitutionalrequirements. When the State Controller finds it expedient to do so because ofa State agency's size and location, the State Controller may authorize a Stateagency to operate its own payroll system. Any State agency authorized by theState Controller to operate its own payroll system shall comply with therequirements adopted by the State Controller.
(7) Keep a record of theappropriations, allotments, expenditures, and revenues of each State agency.
(8) Make appropriatereconciliations with the balances and accounts kept by the State Treasurer.
(9) Develop, implement,and amend as necessary a uniform statewide cash management plan for all Stateagencies in accordance with G.S. 147‑86.11.
(9a) Implement a statewideaccounts receivable program in accordance with Article 6B of Chapter 147 of theGeneral Statutes.
(10) Prepare and submit tothe Governor, the State Auditor, the State Treasurer, and the Office of StateBudget and Management each month, a report summarizing by State agency andappropriation or other fund source, the results of financial transactions. Thisreport shall be in the form that will most clearly and accurately set out thecurrent fiscal condition of the State. The State Controller shall also furnisheach State agency a report of its transactions by appropriation or other fundsource in a form that will clearly and accurately present the fiscal activitiesand condition of the appropriation or fund source.
(11) Prepare and submit tothe Governor, the State Auditor, the State Treasurer, and the Office of StateBudget and Management, at the end of each quarter, a report on the financialcondition and results of operations of the State entity for the period ended.This report shall clearly and accurately present the condition of all Statefunds and appropriation balances and shall include comments, recommendations,and concerns regarding the fiscal affairs and condition of the State.
(12) Prepare on or beforeOctober 31 of each year, a Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in accordancewith generally accepted accounting principles of the preceding fiscal year, inaccordance with G.S. 143B‑426.40H. The report shall include Stateagencies and component units of the State, as defined by generally acceptedaccounting principles.
(13) Perform additionalfunctions and duties assigned to the State Controller, within the scope andcontext of the State Budget Act, Chapter 143C of the General Statutes.
(14) through (16)Recodified as G.S. 143B‑472.42 (1), (2), and (3) by Session Laws 1997‑148,s. 3. (1985(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1024, s. 1; 1987, c. 738, s. 59(a)(2); 1989, c. 239, s.4; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1024, s. 37; 1991, c. 542, s. 14; 1993, c. 512,s. 2; 1993 (Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 777, s. 1(a); 1997‑148, s. 3; 2000‑67,s. 7(b); 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424, s. 12.2(b); 2005‑65,s. 1; 2005‑276, s. 6.19; 2006‑66, s. 6.19(a), (c); 2006‑203,s. 8; 2006‑221, s. 3A; 2006‑259, s. 40(a), (c).)