§ 143B-426.13. Approval of acquisition and disposition of real property.
§ 143B‑426.13. Approval of acquisition and disposition of real property.
Any transaction relating to the acquisition or disposition of anyestate or interest in real property by the North Carolina Agency for PublicTelecommunications shall be subject to prior review by the Governor and Councilof State, and shall become effective only after the transaction has beenapproved by the Governor and Council of State. Upon the acquisition of anestate in real property by the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications,the fee title or other estate shall vest in and the instrument of conveyanceshall name "North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications" asgrantee, lessee, or transferee. Upon the disposition of an interest or estatein real property, the instrument of lease conveyance or transfer shall beexecuted by the North Carolina Agency for Public Telecommunications. Theapproval of any transaction by the Governor or Council of State shall beevidenced by a duly certified copy of excerpt of minutes of the meeting of theGovernor and the Council of State, attested by the Governor or by the privatesecretary to the Governor, reciting the approval, affixed to the instrument ofacquisition or transfer; the certificate may be recorded as a part of the instrument,and shall be conclusive evidence of review and approval of the subjecttransaction by the Governor and Council of State. The Governor, acting with theapproval of the Council of State, may delegate the review and approval of suchclasses of lease, rental, easement or right‑of‑way transactions ashe deems advisable, and he may likewise delegate the review and approval of theseverance of buildings and timber from the land. (1979, c. 900, s. 1.)