§ 143B-394.3. Office of Coordinator of Services for Victims of Sexual Assault - duties and responsibilities.
§ 143B‑394.3. Office of Coordinator of Services for Victims of Sexual Assault duties andresponsibilities.
The duties of the State Coordinator shall include the following:
(1) To establish an office to facilitate and coordinate allprograms and services which deal with the victim of sexual assault;
(2) To research the needs of the State and already existingprograms for sexual assault services;
(3) To create a liaison between public services and privateservices with which victims of sexual assault normally come in contact;
(4) To be an information clearinghouse on all aspects of sexualassault services;
(5) To develop model programs and training techniques to beused to train medical, legal, and psychological personnel (both in the publicand private sectors) who deal with the victims of sexual assault, and to aid inimplementing these programs to suit the needs of specific communities;
(6) To be available to aid and advise sexual assault serviceson operational and functional problems; and
(7) To develop and coordinate a public education program forthe State of North Carolina on the phenomenon of sexual assault. (1977, c. 997, s. 1.)