§ 143B-301. Water Pollution Control System Operators Certification Commission members; selection; removal; compensation; quorum; services.
§ 143B‑301. WaterPollution Control System Operators Certification Commission members;selection; removal; compensation; quorum; services.
(a) The Water Pollution Control System Operators CertificationCommission shall consist of 11 members. Two members shall be from the animalagriculture industry and shall be appointed by the Commissioner of Agriculture.Nine members shall be appointed by the Secretary of Environment and NaturalResources with the approval of the Environmental Management Commission with thefollowing qualifications:
(1) Two members shall be currently employed as water pollutioncontrol facility operators, water pollution control system superintendents ordirectors, water and sewer superintendents or directors, or equivalentpositions with a North Carolina municipality;
(2) One member shall be manager of a North Carolina municipalityhaving a population of more than 10,000 as of the most recent federal census;
(3) One member shall be manager of a North Carolina municipalityhaving a population of less than 10,000 as of the most recent federal census;
(4) One member shall be employed by a private industry and shallbe responsible for supervising the treatment or pretreatment of industrialwastewater;
(5) One member who is a faculty member of a four‑yearcollege or university and whose major field is related to wastewater treatment;
(6) One member who is employed by the Department of Environmentand Natural Resources and works in the field of water pollution control, whoshall serve as Chairman of the Commission;
(7) One member who is employed by a commercial water pollutioncontrol system operating firm; and
(8) One member shall be currently employed as a water pollutioncontrol system collection operator, superintendent, director, or equivalentposition with a North Carolina municipality.
(b) Appointments to the Commission shall be for a term of threeyears. Terms shall be staggered so that three terms shall expire on 30 June ofeach year, except that members of the Commission shall serve until theirsuccessors are appointed and duly qualified as provided by G.S. 128‑7.
(c) The Commission shall elect a Vice‑Chairman from amongits members. The Vice‑Chairman shall serve from the time of his electionuntil 30 June of the following year, or until his successor is elected.
(d) Any appointment to fill a vacancy on the Commission createdby the resignation, dismissal, death or disability of a member shall be for thebalance of the unexpired term.
(e) The Governor shall have the power to remove any member ofthe Commission from office for misfeasance, malfeasance, and nonfeasanceaccording to the provisions of G.S. 143B‑13.
(f) The members of the Commission shall receive per diem andnecessary travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions ofG.S. 138‑5 and G.S. 143B‑15.
(g) A majority of the Commission shall constitute a quorum forthe transaction of business.
(h) All clerical and other services required by the Commissionshall be supplied by the Secretary of Environment and Natural Resources. (1973, c. 1262, s. 43; 1977, c. 771, s. 4; 1989, c.372, s. 10; c. 727, s. 196, 197; 1989 (Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 850, s. 1; c.1004, s. 19(b); 1991, c. 623, ss. 1, 16; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 626, s. 5;1997‑443, s. 11A.119(a).)