§ 143B-273.6. State Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board; members; terms; chairperson.
§ 143B‑273.6. State Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board; members; terms; chairperson.
(a) There is created the State Criminal Justice PartnershipAdvisory Board. The State Board shall act as an advisory body to the Secretarywith regards to this Article. The State Board shall consist of 22 members asfollows:
(1) A member of the Senate.
(2) A member of the House of Representatives.
(3) A judge of the Superior Court.
(4) A judge of the district court.
(5) A district attorney.
(6) A criminal defense attorney.
(7) A county sheriff.
(8) A chief of a city police department.
(9) Two county commissioners, one from a predominantly urbancounty and one from a predominantly rural county.
(10) A representative of an existing community‑basedcorrections program.
(11) A member of the public who has been the victim of a crime.
(12) A rehabilitated ex‑offender.
(13) A member of the business community.
(14) Three members of the general public, one of whom is a personrecovering from chemical dependency or who is a previous consumer of substanceabuse treatment services.
(15) A victim service provider.
(16) A member selected from each of the following service areas:mental health, substance abuse, and employment and training.
(17) A clerk of superior court.
(b) The membership of the State Board shall be selected asfollows:
(1) The Governor shall appoint the following members: the countysheriff, the chief of a city police department, the member of the public whohas been the victim of a crime, a rehabilitated ex‑offender, the membersselected from each of the service areas.
(2) The Lieutenant Governor shall appoint the following members:the member of the business community, one member of the general public who is aperson recovering from chemical dependency or who is a previous consumer ofsubstance abuse treatment services, the victim service provider.
(3) The Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court shallappoint the following members: the superior court judge, the district courtjudge, the district attorney, the clerk of superior court, the criminal defenseattorney, the representative of an existing community‑based correctionsprogram.
(4) The President Pro Tempore of the Senate shall appoint thefollowing members: the member of the Senate, the county commissioner from apredominantly urban county, one member of the general public.
(5) The Speaker of the House shall appoint the followingmembers: the member of the House of Representatives, the county commissionerfrom a predominantly rural county, one member of the general public.
In appointing the members of the State Board, the appointingauthorities shall make every effort to ensure fair geographic representation ofthe State Board membership and that minority persons and women are fairlyrepresented.
(c) The initial members shall serve staggered terms, one‑thirdshall be appointed for a term of one year, one‑third shall be appointedfor a term of two years, and one‑third shall be appointed for a term ofthree years. The members identified in subdivisions (1) through (7) ofsubsection (a) of this section shall be appointed initially for a term of oneyear. The members identified in subdivisions (8) through (13) in subsection (a)of this section shall be appointed initially for a term of two years. The membersidentified in subdivisions (14) through (16) of subsection (a) of this sectionshall each be appointed for a term of three years. The additional memberidentified in subdivision (17) in subsection (a) of this section shall beappointed initially for a term of three years.
At the end of their respective terms of office their successors shallbe appointed for terms of three years. A vacancy occurring before theexpiration of the term of office shall be filled in the same manner as originalappointments for the remainder of the term. Members may be reappointed withoutlimitation.
(d) Each appointing authority shall have the power to remove amember it appointed from the State Board for misfeasance, malfeasance, ornonfeasance.
(e) The members of the State Board shall, within 30 days afterthe last initial appointment is made, meet and elect one member as chairman andone member as vice‑chairman.
(f) The State Board shall meet at least quarterly and may alsohold special meetings at the call of the chairman. For purposes of transactingbusiness, a majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
(g) Any member who has an interest in a governmental agency orunit or private nonprofit agency which is applying for a State‑CountyCriminal Justice Partnership grant or which has received a grant and which isthe subject of an inquiry or vote by a grant oversight committee, shallpublicly disclose that interest on the record and shall take no part indiscussion or have any vote in regard to any matter directly affecting thatparticular grant applicant or grantee. "Interest" in a grantapplicant or grantee shall mean a formal and direct connection to the entity,including, but not limited to, employment, partnership, serving as an electedofficial, board member, director, officer, or trustee, or being an immediatefamily member of someone who has such a connection to the grant applicant orgrantee.
(h) The members of the State Board shall serve withoutcompensation but shall be reimbursed for necessary travel and subsistenceexpenses. (1993, c. 534, s.1; 1998‑170, s. 2.)