§ 143B-262.1. Department of Correction - Substance Abuse Program.
§ 143B‑262.1. Department of Correction Substance Abuse Program.
(a) The Substance Abuse Program established by subsection (d) of§ 143B‑262 shall be offered in a correctional facility, or a portion of acorrectional facility that is self‑contained, so that the residential andprogram space is separate from any other programs or inmate housing, and shallbe operational by January 1, 1988, at such unit as the Secretary may designate.
(b) An Assistant Secretary for Substance Abuse shall be employedand shall report directly to the Office of the Secretary of Correction. Theduties of the Assistant Secretary shall include the following:
(1) Administer and coordinate all substance abuse programs,grants, contracts, and related functions in the Department of Correction;
(2) Develop and maintain working relationships and agreementswith agencies and organizations that will assist in developing and operating aSubstance Abuse Program in the Department of Correction;
(3) Develop and coordinate the use of volunteers in theSubstance Abuse Program;
(4) Develop and present training programs related to substanceabuse for employees and others at all levels in the agency;
(5) Develop programs that provide effective treatment forinmates, probationers, and parolees with substance abuse problems;
(6) Maintain contact with key leaders in the substance abusefield and active supporters of the Correction Program;
(7) Supervise directly the directors of treatment units,specialized personnel, and programs that exist or may be developed in theDepartment of Correction; and
(8) Develop employee assistance programs for employees withsubstance abuse problems.
(c), (d) Repealed by Session Laws 2002‑126, s. 17.7,effective July 1, 2002.
(e) In the unit there shall be a unit superintendent under theDivision of Prisons and other custodial, administrative, and support staff asrequired for a medium custody facility for approximately 100 inmates. The unitsuperintendent shall be responsible for all matters pertaining to custody andadministration of the unit. The Assistant Secretary shall designate an employeeto administer the inpatient treatment program under the direction of theAssistant Secretary for Substance Abuse.
(f) Extensive use may be made of inmates working in the role ofancillary staff, peer counselors, role models, or group leaders as the programmanager determines. Additional resource people who may be required forspecialized treatment activities, presentations, or group work may be employedon a fee or contractual basis.
(g) Repealed by Session Laws 2002‑126, s. 17.7, effectiveJuly 1, 2002.
(h) Admission priorities shall be established as follows:
(1) Repealed by Session Laws 2003‑141, s. 3, effectiveDecember 1, 2003, and applicable to offenses committed on or after that date.
(2) Evaluation and referral from reception and diagnosticcenters.
(3) General staff referral.
(4) Self‑referral.
(i) The Program shall include extensive follow‑up afterthe period of intensive treatment. There will be specific plans for each departinginmate for follow‑up, including active involvement with AlcoholicsAnonymous, community resources, and personal sponsorship. (1987, c. 738, s. 111(c); 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1086, s.126.1(a); 2002‑126, s. 17.7; 2003‑141, s. 3.)