§ 143B-181.4. Responsibility for policy.
§ 143B‑181.4. Responsibility for policy.
Responsibility for developing policy to carry out the purpose of thisPart is vested in the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Servicesas provided in G.S. 143B‑181.1 who may assign responsibility to theAssistant Secretary for Aging. The Assistant Secretary for Aging shall, at therequest of the Secretary, be the bridge between the federal and local level andshall review policies that affect the well being of older people with the goalof providing a balance in State programs to meet the social welfare and healthneeds of the total population. Responsibilities may include:
(1) Serving as chief advocate for older adults;
(2) Developing the State plan which will aid in the coordinationof all programs for older people;
(3) Providing information and research to identify gaps inexisting services;
(4) Promoting the development and expansion of services;
(5) Evaluation of programs;
(6) Bringing together the public and private sectors to provideservices for older people. (1979, c. 983, s. 1; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(a).)