§ 143B-181.18. Office of State Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program/State Ombudsman duties.
§ 143B‑181.18. Office of State Long‑Term Care Ombudsman Program/State Ombudsman duties.
The State Ombudsman shall:
(1) Promote community involvement with long‑term careproviders and residents of long‑term care facilities and serve as liaisonbetween residents, residents' families, facility personnel, and facilityadministration;
(2) Supervise the Long‑Term Care Program pursuant to rulesadopted by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Servicespursuant to G.S. 143B‑10;
(3) Certify regional ombudsmen. Certification requirements shallinclude an internship, training in the aging process, complaint resolution,long‑term care issues, mediation techniques, recruitment and training ofvolunteers, and relevant federal, State, and local laws, policies, andstandards;
(4) Attempt to resolve complaints made by or on behalf ofindividuals who are residents of long‑term care facilities, whichcomplaints relate to administrative action that may adversely affect thehealth, safety, or welfare of residents;
(5) Provide training and technical assistance to regionalombudsmen;
(6) Establish procedures for appropriate access by regionalombudsmen to long‑term care facilities and residents' records includingprocedures to protect the confidentiality of these records and to ensure thatthe identity of any complainant or resident will not be disclosed except aspermitted under the Older Americans Act of 1965, as amended, 42 U.S.C. § 3001et seq.;
(7) Analyze data relating to complaints and conditions in long‑termcare facilities to identify significant problems and recommend solutions;
(8) Prepare an annual report containing data and findingsregarding the types of problems experienced and complaints reported byresidents as well as recommendations for resolutions of identified long‑termcare issues;
(9) Prepare findings regarding public education and communityinvolvement efforts and innovative programs being provided in long‑termcare facilities; and
(10) Provide information to public agencies, and through the StateOmbudsman, to legislators, and others regarding problems encountered byresidents or providers as well as recommendations for resolution. (1989, c. 403, s. 1; 1995, c. 254, s. 3; 1997‑443,s. 11A.118(a).)