§ 143B-179.5. Interagency Coordinating Council for Children from Birth to Five with Disabilities and Their Families; establishment, composition, organization; duties, compensation, reporting.
Part13A. Interagency Coordinating Council for Children with Disabilities fromBirth to Five Years of Age.
§ 143B‑179.5. Interagency Coordinating Council for Children from Birth to Five withDisabilities and Their Families; establishment, composition, organization;duties, compensation, reporting.
(a) There isestablished an Interagency Coordinating Council for Children from Birth to Fivewith Disabilities and Their Families in the Department of Health and HumanServices.
(b) The InteragencyCoordinating Council shall have 26 members, appointed by the Governor.Effective July 1, 1994, the Governor shall designate 13 appointees to serve fortwo years and 13 appointees to serve for one year. Thereafter, the terms of allCouncil members shall be two years. The Governor shall have the power to removeany member of the Council from office in accordance with the provisions of G.S.143B‑16. Any appointment to fill a vacancy on the Council created by theresignation, dismissal, death, or disability of a member shall be for thebalance of the unexpired term. Members may be appointed to succeed themselvesfor one term and may be appointed again, after being off the Council for oneterm.
The composition of the Counciland the designation of the Council's chair shall be as specified in the"Individuals with Disabilities Education Act" (IDEA), P.L. 102‑119,the federal early intervention legislation, except that two members shall bemembers of the Senate, appointed from recommendations of the President ProTempore of the Senate and two members shall be members of the House ofRepresentatives, appointed from recommendations of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives.
(c) The chair mayestablish those standing and ad hoc committees and task forces as may benecessary to carry out the functions of the Council and appoint Council membersor other individuals to serve on these committees and task forces. The Councilshall meet at least quarterly. A majority of the Council shall constitute aquorum for the transaction of business.
(d) The Council shalladvise the Department of Health and Human Services and other appropriateagencies in carrying out their early intervention services, and the Departmentof Public Instruction, and other appropriate agencies, in their activities relatedto the provision of special education services for preschoolers. The Councilshall specifically address in its studies and evaluations that it considersnecessary to its advising:
(1) The identificationof sources of fiscal and other support for the early intervention system;
(2) The development ofpolicies related to the early intervention services;
(3) The preparation ofapplications for available federal funds;
(4) The resolution ofinteragency disputes; and
(5) The promotion ofinteragency agreements.
(e) Members of theCouncil and parents on ad hoc committees and task forces of the Council shallreceive travel and subsistence expenses in accordance with the provisions ofG.S. 138‑5.
(f) The Council shallprepare and submit an annual report to the Governor and to the General Assemblyon the status of the early intervention system for eligible infants andtoddlers and on the status of special education services for preschoolers.
All clerical and otherservices required by the Council shall be supplied by the Secretary of Healthand Human Services and the Superintendent of Public Instruction, as specifiedby the interagency agreement authorized by G.S. 122C‑112(a)(13). (1989(Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1003, s. 1; 1993, c. 487, s. 1; 1997‑443, s.11A.106; 2006‑69, s. 3(o); 2006‑259, s. 34.)