§ 143B-146.13. School technology plan.
§ 143B‑146.13. Schooltechnology plan.
(a) No later thanDecember 15, 1998, the Secretary shall develop a school technology plan for theresidential schools that meets the requirements of the State school technologyplan. In developing a school technology plan, the Secretary is encouraged tocoordinate its planning with other agencies of State and local government,including local school administrative units.
The Office of InformationTechnology Services shall assist the Secretary in developing the parts of theplan related to its technological aspects, to the extent that resources areavailable to do so. The Department of Public Instruction shall assist theSecretary in developing the instructional and technological aspects of theplan.
The Secretary shall submit theplan that is developed to the Office of Information Technology Services for itsevaluation of the parts of the plan related to its technological aspects and tothe Department of Public Instruction for its evaluation of the instructionalaspects of the plan. The State Board of Education, after consideration of theevaluations of the Office of Information Technology Services and the Departmentof Public Instruction, shall approve all plans that comply with therequirements of the State school technology plan.
(b) After a plan isapproved by the State Board of Education, all funds spent for technology in theresidential schools shall be used to implement the school technology plan. (1998‑131, s. 5; 2004‑129,s. 45.)