§ 143B-146.12. Development and approval of school improvement plans.
§ 143B‑146.12. Development and approval ofschool improvement plans.
(a) In order to improve student performance, each school shalldevelop a school improvement plan that takes into consideration the annualperformance goal for that school that is set by the State Board under G.S. 143B‑146.3.The principal of each school, instructional personnel, and residential lifepersonnel assigned to that school, and a minimum of five parents of childrenenrolled in the school shall constitute a school improvement team to develop aschool improvement plan to improve student performance.
(a1) Representatives of the instructional and residential lifepersonnel shall be elected by their respective groups by secret ballot.
(b) Parents shall be elected by parents of children enrolled inthe school in an election conducted by the parent and teacher organization ofthe school or, if none exists, by the largest organization of parents formedfor this purpose. To the extent possible, parents serving on school improvementteams shall reflect the composition of the students enrolled in that school. Nomore than two parents may be employees of the school. Parental involvement is acritical component of school success and positive student achievement;therefore, it is the intent of the General Assembly that parents, along withinstructional and residential life personnel, have a substantial role indeveloping school improvement plans. To this end, school improvement teammeetings shall be held at a convenient time to assure substantial parentparticipation. Parents who are elected to serve on school improvement teams andwho are not employees of the school shall receive travel and subsistenceexpenses in accordance with G.S. 138‑5 and, if appropriate, may receive astipend.
(c) The strategies for improving student performance shallinclude the following:
(1) A plan for the use of staff development funds that may bemade available to the school to implement the school improvement plan. The planmay provide that a portion of these funds is used for mentor training and forrelease time and substitute teachers while teachers are meeting with mentors;
(1a) A plan for preparing students to read at grade level by thetime they enter second grade. The plan shall require kindergarten and first gradeteachers to notify parents or guardians when a child is not reading at gradelevel and is at risk of not reading at grade level by the time the child enterssecond grade. The plan may include the use of assessments to monitor students'progress in learning to read, strategies for teachers and parents to implementthat will help students improve and expand their reading ability, and providefor the recognition of teachers and strategies that appear to be effective atpreparing students to read at grade level.
(2) A comprehensive plan to encourage parent involvement.
(3) A safe school plan designed to provide that the school issafe, secure, and orderly, that there is a climate of respect in the school,and that appropriate personal conduct is a priority for all students and allresidential school personnel. This plan shall include components similar tothose listed in G.S. 115C‑105.47(b).
(4) A plan that specifies the effective instructional practicesand methods to be used to improve the academic performance of studentsidentified as at risk of academic failure or at risk of dropping out of school.
(d) Support among affected staff members is essential tosuccessful implementation of a school improvement plan to address improvedstudent performance at that school. The principal of the school shall presentthe proposed school improvement plan to all of the instructional personnelassigned to the school for their review and vote. The vote shall be by secretballot. The principal shall submit the school improvement plan to theSuperintendent for presentation to the Secretary only if the proposed schoolimprovement plan has the approval of a majority of the instructional personnelwho voted on the plan.
(e) The Secretary shall accept or reject the school improvementplan. The Secretary shall not make any substantive changes in any schoolimprovement plan that the Secretary accepts. If the Secretary rejects a schoolimprovement plan, the Secretary shall state with specificity the reasons forrejecting the plan to the Superintendent to share with the principal; theschool improvement team may then prepare another plan, present it to theinstructional personnel assigned to the school for a vote, and submit it to theSuperintendent for presentation to the Secretary to accept or reject. Within 60days after the initial submission of the school improvement plan to theSecretary, the Secretary shall accept the plan or shall direct that theSuperintendent work with the school improvement team to resolve thedisagreements. If there is no resolution within 30 days, then the Secretary maydevelop a school improvement plan for the school; however, the General Assemblyurges the Secretary to utilize the school's proposed school improvement plan tothe maximum extent possible when developing this plan.
(f) A school improvement plan shall remain in effect for nomore than three years; however, the school improvement team may amend the planas often as is necessary or appropriate. If, at any time, any part of a schoolimprovement plan becomes unlawful or the Secretary finds that a schoolimprovement plan is impeding student performance at a school, the Secretary mayvacate the relevant portion of the plan and may direct the school to revisethat portion. The procedures set out in this section shall apply to amendmentsand revisions to school improvement plans.
(g) Any funds the Secretary makes available to a school to meetthe goals for that school under the ABC's Program and to implement the schoolimprovement plan at that school shall be used in accordance with those goalsand the school improvement plan.
(h) The Superintendent, in consultation with the State Board,shall develop a list of recommended strategies that it determines to beeffective which building level committees may use to establish parentinvolvement programs designed to meet the specific needs of their schools.
(i) Once developed, the principal shall ensure the plan isavailable and accessible to parents and the school community. (1998‑131, s. 5; 2005‑195, s. 9.)