§ 143B-137.1. Department of Health and Human Services - duties.
§ 143B‑137.1. Department of Health and Human Services duties.
It shall be the duty of the Department to provide the necessarymanagement, development of policy, and establishment and enforcement ofstandards for the provisions of services in the fields of public and mentalhealth and rehabilitation with the intent to assist all citizens asindividuals, families, and communities to achieve and maintain an adequatelevel of health, social and economic well‑being, and dignity. Wheneverpossible, the Department shall emphasize preventive measures to avoid or toreduce the need for costly emergency treatments that often result from lack offorethought. The Department shall establish priorities to eliminate thoseexcessive expenses incurred by the State for lack of adequate funding orcareful planning of preventive measures. (1997‑443, s. 11A.3.)