§ 143B-135. Commission established.
Part 30. African‑AmericanHeritage Commission.
§ 143B‑135. Commissionestablished.
(a) Creation andDuties. There is created the African‑American Heritage Commission inthe Department of Cultural Resources to advise and assist the Secretary ofCultural Resources in the preservation, interpretation, and promotion ofAfrican‑American history, arts, and culture. The Commission shall havethe following powers and duties:
(1) To advise theSecretary of Cultural Resources on methods and means of preserving African‑Americanhistory, arts, and culture.
(2) To promote publicawareness of historic buildings, sites, structures, artwork, and cultureassociated with North Carolina's African‑American heritage throughspecial programs, exhibits, and publications.
(3) To support African‑Americanheritage education in elementary and secondary schools in coordination withNorth Carolina Public Schools.
(4) To build a statewidenetwork of individuals and groups interested in the preservation of African‑Americanhistory, arts, and culture.
(5) To develop a programto catalog, preserve, assess, and interpret all aspects of African‑Americanhistory, arts, and culture.
(6) To advise theSecretary of Cultural Resources upon any matter the Secretary may refer to it.
(b) Composition andTerms. The Commission shall consist of 10 members who shall serve staggeredterms. The initial board shall be selected on or before October 1, 2008, asfollows:
(1) Four appointed bythe Governor, two of whom shall serve terms of three years, one of whom shallserve a term of two years, and one of whom shall serve a term of one year. Atleast one appointee shall be a member of the North Carolina HistoricalCommission.
(2) Three appointed bythe General Assembly upon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore ofthe Senate, one of whom shall serve a term of three years, one of whom shallserve a term of two years, and one of whom shall serve a term of one year.
(3) Three appointed bythe General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House ofRepresentatives, one of whom shall serve a term of three years, one of whomshall serve a term of two years, and one of whom shall serve a term of oneyear.
Upon the expiration of theterms of the initial Commission members, each member shall be appointed for athree‑year term and shall serve until a successor is appointed.
(c) Vacancies. Avacancy shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointment, exceptthat all unexpired terms appointed by the General Assembly shall be filled inaccordance with G.S. 120‑122. Appointees to fill vacancies shall servethe remainder of the unexpired term and until their successors have been dulyappointed and qualified.
(d) Removal. TheCommission may remove any of its members for neglect of duty, incompetence, orunprofessional conduct. A member subject to disciplinary proceedings shall bedisqualified from participating in the official business of the Commissionuntil the charges have been resolved.
(e) Officers. Thechair shall be designated by the Governor from among the members of theCommission to serve as chair at the pleasure of the Governor. The Commissionshall elect annually from its membership a vice‑chair and other officersdeemed necessary by the Commission to carry out the purposes of this Article.
(f) Meetings; Quorum. The Commission shall meet at least semiannually to conduct business. TheBoard shall establish the procedures for calling, holding, and conductingregular and special meetings. A majority of Commission members shall constitutea quorum.
(g) Compensation. TheCommission members shall receive no salary as a result of serving on theCommission but shall receive per diem, subsistence, and travel expenses inaccordance with the provisions of G.S. 120‑3.1, 138‑5, and 138‑6,as applicable. (2008‑107,s. 19A.2.)