§ 143-651. Definitions.
§ 143‑651. Definitions.
The following definitionsapply in this Article:
(1) Amateur. A personwho is not receiving or competing for and has never received or competed forany purse or other article or thing of value for participating in a match.
(2) Announcer. Anyperson who engages in the act of announcing a match.
(3) Boxer. Any personwho engages as a participant in a boxing match.
(4) Boxing match. Amatch where the participants engage in the use of full contact boxingtechniques (using the fist only), and where the object of a match is to win bydecision, knockout (KO), or technical knockout (TKO).
(5) Repealed by SessionLaws 2004‑124, s. 18.2.(a), effective July 1, 2004.
(6) Contest. A matchin which the participants strive to win.
(7) Contestant. Anyperson who engages as a participant in a boxing, kickboxing, or mixed martialarts match, or toughman event.
(7a) Division. TheAlcohol Law Enforcement Division of the Department of Crime Control and PublicSafety.
(8) Exhibition. A matchwhere the participants display their skills and technique without necessarilystriving to win.
(9) Judge. A personwho has a vote in determining the winner of any match or contest.
(10) Kickboxer. Anyperson who engages as a participant in a kickboxing match.
(11) Kickboxing match. Amatch in which the participants engage in full contact martial arts fightingtechniques using the hands and the feet, and where the object of the match isto win by decision, knockout (KO), or technical knockout (TKO).
(12) Licensee. Anyperson, club, corporation, organization, or association to whom a license hasbeen issued pursuant to the provisions of this Article.
(13) Manager. Any personwho controls or administers the affairs of any contestant, and who:
a. By contract,agreement, or other arrangement with any person undertakes or has undertaken torepresent in any way the interest of the contestant in any professional contestin which the contestant is to participate and is entitled under that contract,agreement, or arrangement to receive monetary or other compensation for his orher services, without regard to the sources of the compensation. The term"manager" shall not be construed to mean any attorney licensed topractice in this State whose participation in the activities is restrictedsolely to representing the interests of a professional contestant as a client.
b. Directs or controlsthe professional activities of any professional contestant.
c. Receives or isentitled to receive a percentage of the gross purse or gross income of anyprofessional contest.
(14) Match. Any boxing,kickboxing, or mixed martial arts contest or exhibition, or toughman event, andincludes any event, engagement, sparring or practice session, show or programwhere the public is admitted and in which there is intended to be physicalcontact, whether an exhibition or contest. This definition does not includetraining or practice sessions when no admission is charged.
(15) Matchmaker. Aperson through whom matches are arranged for participants and who otherwiseassists participants in procuring engagement dates.
(15a) Mixed martial artist. Any person who engages as a participant in a mixed martial arts match.
(15b) Mixed martial arts. Aform of sporting martial arts that uses a variety of martial arts techniques todeliver blows with the hands, elbows, and any part of the leg below the hip,including the knee and foot, and also uses boxing, wrestling, and grapplingtechniques.
(16) Natural person. Anindividual.
(17) Participant. Anyperson who engages in a match or exhibition and performs as a boxer, kickboxer,or mixed martial artist.
(18) Person. Anindividual, group of individuals, business, corporation, limited liabilitycompany, partnership, or any other individual or collective entity.
(19) Physician. Anindividual licensed to practice medicine in this State.
(20) Professional. Anyperson who is licensed as a contestant and receives compensation forparticipating in matches.
(21) Promoter. Anyperson who produces, arranges, stages, holds, or gives any match in NorthCarolina involving a professional participant.
(22) Referee. Theofficial who shall enter and remain in the ring for the duration of a match andshall enforce the rules and maintain order in the ring.
(23) Ring official. Anyperson who performs an official function for the duration of a match.
(23a) Sanctioned amateur. Aperson who competes in a sanctioned amateur match.
(23b) Sanctioned amateurmatch. Any match regulated by an amateur sports organization that has beenrecognized and approved by the Division.
(24) Second. Any personwho will work or be present in the corner of a participant for the duration ofa match.
(25) Timekeeper. Anyperson who will operate the clock or watch for the duration of a match for thepurpose of keeping the official time of the match.
(25a) Toughman contestant. Any person who competes in a toughman event.
(25b) Toughman event. Anelimination program of matches in which (i) the contestants are not professionalboxers, (ii) the finalist receives a purse or other article of value, (iii) theparticipants engage in the use of full contact boxing techniques, and (iv) theobject of each match is to win by decision, knockout (KO), or technicalknockout (TKO).
(26) Repealed by SessionLaws 2007‑490, s. 1, effective August 30, 2007.
(27) Unarmed combat. Amatch consisting of any combination of boxing, kicking, wrestling, hitting,punching, or other combative contact techniques which may reasonably beexpected to inflict injury to opponents. (1995, c. 499, s. 1; 1997‑504, s. 1; 1998‑23,s. 18; 1998‑212, s. 19.11(g); 2004‑124, ss. 18.2(a), (b), (e); 2006‑264,s. 22(c); 2007‑490, s. 1.)