§ 143-64.15. Life-cycle cost analysis.
§ 143‑64.15. Life‑cyclecost analysis.
(a) A life‑cyclecost analysis shall be commenced at the schematic design phase of theconstruction or renovation project, shall be updated or amended as needed atthe design development phase, and shall be updated or amended again as neededat the construction document phase. A life‑cycle cost analysis shallinclude, but not be limited to, all of the following elements:
(1) The coordination,orientation, and positioning of the facility on its physical site.
(2) The amount and typeof fenestration and the potential for daylighting employed in the facility.
(3) Thermalcharacteristics of materials and the amount of insulation incorporated into thefacility design.
(4) The variableoccupancy and operating conditions of the facility, including illuminationlevels.
(5) Architecturalfeatures that affect the consumption of energy, water, and other utilities.
(b) The life‑cyclecost analysis performed for any State facility shall, in addition to therequirements set forth in subsection (a) of this section, include, but not belimited to, all of the following:
(1) An energy‑consumptionanalysis of the facility's energy‑consuming systems in accordance withthe provisions of subsection (g) of this section.
(2) The initial estimatedcost of each energy‑consuming system being compared and evaluated.
(3) The estimated annualoperating cost of all utility requirements.
(4) The estimated annualcost of maintaining each energy‑consuming system.
(5) The averageestimated replacement cost for each system expressed in annual terms for theeconomic life of the facility.
(c) Each entity shallconduct a life‑cycle cost analysis pursuant to this section for theconstruction or the renovation of any State facility or State‑assistedfacility of 20,000 or more gross square feet. For the replacement of heating,ventilation, and air‑conditioning equipment in any State facility orState‑assisted facility of 20,000 or more gross square feet, the entityshall conduct a life‑cycle cost analysis of the replacement equipmentpursuant to this section when the replacement is financed under a guaranteedenergy savings contract or financed using repair and renovation funds.
(d) The life‑cyclecost analysis shall be certified by a registered professional engineer or bearthe seal of a North Carolina registered architect, or both. The engineer orarchitect shall be particularly qualified by training and experience for thetype of work involved, but shall not be employed directly or indirectly by afuel provider, utility company, or group supported by fuel providers or utilityfunds. Plans and specifications for facilities involving public funds shall bedesigned in conformance with the provisions of G.S. 133‑1.1.
(e) In order to protectthe integrity of historic buildings, no provision of this Article shall beinterpreted to require the implementation of measures to conserve energy,water, or other utility use that conflict with respect to any property eligiblefor, nominated to, or entered on the National Register of Historic Places,pursuant to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, P.L. 89‑665;any historic building located within an historic district as provided inChapters 160A or 153A of the General Statutes; any historic building listed,owned, or under the jurisdiction of an historic properties commission asprovided in Chapter 160A or 153A; nor any historic property owned by the Stateor assisted by the State.
(f) Each State agencyshall use the life‑cycle cost analysis over the economic life of the facilityin selecting the optimum system or combination of systems to be incorporatedinto the design of the facility.
(g) The energy‑consumptionanalysis of the operation of energy‑consuming systems utilities in afacility shall include, but not be limited to, all of the following:
(1) The comparison oftwo or more system alternatives.
(2) The simulation orengineering evaluation of each system over the entire range of operation of thefacility for a year's operating period.
(3) The engineeringevaluation of the consumption of energy, water, and other utilities ofcomponent equipment in each system considering the operation of such componentsat other than full or rated outputs. (1993, c. 334, s. 6; 2001‑415, ss. 4, 5; 2006‑190,s. 13; 2007‑546, s. 4.1.)