§ 143-509. Powers and duties of Secretary.
§ 143‑509. Powers andduties of Secretary.
The Secretary of theDepartment of Health and Human Services has full responsibilities forsupervision and direction of the emergency medical services program and, tothat end, shall accomplish all of the following:
(1) After consultingwith the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council and with any localgovernments that may be involved, seek the establishment of a StatewideEmergency Medical Services System, integrated with other health care providersand networks including, but not limited to, public health, community healthmonitoring activities, and special needs populations.
(2) Repealed by SessionLaws 1989, c. 74.
(3) Establish andmaintain a comprehensive statewide trauma system in accordance with the provisionsof Article 7A of Chapter 131E of the General Statutes and the rules of theNorth Carolina Medical Care Commission.
(4) Establish andmaintain a statewide emergency medical services communications system includingdesignation of EMS radio frequencies and coordination of EMS radiocommunications networks within FCC rules and regulations.
(5) Establish andmaintain a statewide emergency medical services information system thatprovides information linkage between various public safety services and otherhealth care providers.
(6) Credential emergencymedical services providers, vehicles, EMS educational institutions, andpersonnel after documenting that the requirements of the North Carolina MedicalCare Commission are met.
(7), (8) Repealed bySession Laws 2001‑220, s. 1, effective January 1, 2002.
(9) Promote a means oftraining individuals to administer life‑saving treatment to persons whosuffer a severe adverse reaction to agents that might cause anaphylaxis.Individuals, upon successful completion of this training program, may beapproved by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission to administerepinephrine to these persons, in the absence of the availability of physiciansor other practitioners who are authorized to administer the treatment. Thistraining may also be offered as part of the emergency medical services trainingprogram.
(10) Establish andmaintain a collaborative effort with other community resources and agencies toeducate the public regarding EMS systems and issues.
(11) Collaborate withcommunity agencies and other health care providers to integrate the principlesof injury prevention into the Statewide EMS System to improve community health.
(12) Establish andmaintain a means of medical direction and control for the Statewide EMS System.
(13) Establish programsfor aiding in the recovery and rehabilitation of EMS personnel who experiencechemical addiction or abuse and programs for monitoring these EMS personnel forsafe practice. (1973,c. 208, s. 3; 1981, c. 927; 1989, c. 74; 1995, c. 94, s. 34; 1997‑443, s.11A.118(a); 2001‑220, s. 1; 2003‑392, s. 2(e); 2009‑363, s.1.)