§ 143-318.18. Exceptions.
§ 143‑318.18. Exceptions.
This Article does not applyto:
(1) Grand and petitjuries.
(2) Any public body thatis specifically authorized or directed by law to meet in executive orconfidential session, to the extent of the authorization or direction.
(3) The JudicialStandards Commission.
(3a) The North CarolinaInnocence Inquiry Commission.
(4) Repealed by SessionLaws 1991, c. 694, s. 9.
(4a) The LegislativeEthics Committee.
(4b) A conferencecommittee of the General Assembly.
(4c) A caucus by members ofthe General Assembly; however, no member of the General Assembly shallparticipate in a caucus which is called for the purpose of evading orsubverting this Article.
(5) Law enforcementagencies.
(6) A public bodyauthorized to investigate, examine, or determine the character and otherqualifications of applicants for professional or occupational licenses orcertificates or to take disciplinary actions against persons holding suchlicenses or certificates, (i) while preparing, approving, administering, orgrading examinations or (ii) while meeting with respect to an individualapplicant for or holder of such a license or certificate. This exception doesnot amend, repeal, or supersede any other statute that requires a publichearing or other practice and procedure in a proceeding before such a publicbody.
(7) Any public bodysubject to the State Budget Act, Chapter 143C of the General Statutes andexercising quasi‑judicial functions, during a meeting or session heldsolely for the purpose of making a decision in an adjudicatory action orproceeding.
(8) The boards oftrustees of endowment funds authorized by G.S. 116‑36 or G.S. 116‑238.
(9) Repealed by SessionLaws 1991, c. 694, s. 9.
(10) The Board of Awards.
(11) The General Court ofJustice. (1979,c. 655, s. 1; 1985, c. 757, s. 206(e); 1991, c. 694, s. 9; 2006‑184, s.6; 2006‑203, s. 95.)