§ 143-247. Transfer of powers, duties, jurisdiction, and responsibilities.
§ 143‑247. Transfer of powers, duties, jurisdiction, and responsibilities.
All duties, powers, jurisdiction, and responsibilities now vested bystatute in and heretofore exercised by the Department of Conservation andDevelopment, the Board of Conservation and Development, the Director ofConservation and Development, the Division of Game and Inland Fisheries, theCommissioner of Game and Inland Fisheries, or any predecessor organization,board, commission, commissioner or official relating to or pertaining to thewildlife resources of North Carolina, subject to the provisions of SubchapterIV of Chapter 113 of the General Statutes, are hereby transferred to and vestedby law in the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission hereby created,subject to the provisions of this Article. The powers, duties, jurisdiction,and responsibilities hereby transferred shall be vested in the Commissionimmediately upon its organization under the provisions of this Article.Provided however, that no provision of this Article shall be construed astransferring to or conferring upon the North Carolina Wildlife ResourcesCommission, herein created, jurisdiction over the administration of any lawsregulating the pollution of streams or public waters in North Carolina. (1947, c. 263, s. 11; 1965, c. 957, s. 14.)