§ 143-215.58. Violations and penalties.
§ 143‑215.58. Violations and penalties.
(a) Any willful violation of this Part or of any ordinanceadopted (or of the provisions of any permit issued) under the authority of thisPart shall constitute a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(a1) A local government may use all of the remedies available forthe enforcement of ordinances under Chapters 153A and 160A of the GeneralStatutes to enforce an ordinance adopted pursuant to this Part.
(b) Failure to remove any artificial obstruction or enlargementor replacement thereof, that violates this Part or any ordinance adopted (orthe provision of any permit issued) under the authority of this Part, shallconstitute a separate violation of this Part for each day that the failurecontinues after written notice from the county board of commissioners orgoverning body of a city.
(c) In addition to or in lieu of other remedies, the countyboard of commissioners or governing body of a city may institute anyappropriate action or proceeding to restrain or prevent any violation of thisPart or of any ordinance adopted (or of the provisions of any permit issued)under the authority of this Part, or to require any person, firm or corporationthat has committed a violation to remove a violating obstruction or restore theconditions existing before the placement of the obstruction. (1971, c. 1167, s. 3; 1993, c. 539, s. 1022; 1994, Ex.Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 2000‑150, s. 1.)