§ 143-214.21. Riparian Buffer Protection Program: Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund.
§ 143‑214.21. Riparian Buffer ProtectionProgram: Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund.
The Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund is established as a nonrevertingfund within the Department. The Fund shall be treated as a special trust fundand shall be credited with interest by the State Treasurer pursuant to G.S. 147‑69.2and G.S. 147‑69.3. The Riparian Buffer Restoration Fund shall provide arepository for monetary contributions to promote projects for the restoration,enhancement, or creation of riparian buffers or to construct approvedalternative measures that reduce nutrient loading as well or better than ariparian buffer that is lost and for compensatory mitigation fees paid to theDepartment. The Fund shall be administered by the Department. Moneys shall beexpended from the Fund only for those purposes directly related to therestoration, acquisition, creation, enhancement, and maintenance of riparianbuffers or to construct approved alternative measures that reduce nutrientloading as well or better than a riparian buffer. Compensatory mitigation feespaid into the Fund in connection with the loss of riparian buffers in a riverbasin and the interest earned on those fees may be used only for projects inthat river basin. (1998‑221, s.1.5(b); 1999‑448, s. 2; 2005‑443, s. 1.)