§ 143-168. Reports; conciseness.
§ 143‑168. Reports; conciseness.
The annual or biennial reports now authorized or required to be printedby the several State agencies and institutions shall be as compact and conciseas is consistent with an intelligent understanding of the work of thoseagencies and institutions. The details of the work of the agencies andinstitutions shall not be printed when not necessary to an intelligentunderstanding of such work, but totals and results may be tabulated and printedin their reports. (1911, c. 211, s.2; 1917, c. 202, s. 2; C.S., s. 7294; 1931, c. 261, s. 3; 1955, c. 983; 1961,c. 243, s. 2; 1983, c. 866, s. 1.)