§ 143-151.11. Chairman; vice-chairman; other officers; meetings; reports.
§ 143‑151.11. Chairman; vice‑chairman; other officers; meetings; reports.
(a) The members of the Board shall select one of their membersas chairman upon its creation, and shall select the chairman each July 1thereafter.
(b) The Board shall select a vice‑chairman and such otherofficers and committee chairmen from among its members, as it deems desirable,at the first regular meeting of the Board after its creation and at the firstregular meeting after July 1 of each year thereafter. Provided, nothing in thissubsection shall prevent the creation or abolition of committees or offices ofthe Board, other than the office of vice‑chairman, as the need may ariseat any time during the year.
(c) The Board shall hold at least four regular meetings per yearupon the call of the chairman. Special meetings shall be held upon the call ofthe chairman or the vice‑chairman, or upon the written request of fourmembers of the Board.
(d) The activities and recommendations of the Board with respectto standards for Code officials training and certification shall be set forthin regular and special reports made by the Board. Additionally, the Board shallpresent special reports and recommendations to the Governor or the GeneralAssembly, or both, as the need may arise or as the Governor or the GeneralAssembly may request. (1977, c. 531, s. 1.)