§ 14-415.18. Revocation or suspension of permit.
§14‑415.18. Revocation or suspension of permit.
(a) The sheriff of thecounty where the permit was issued or the sheriff of the county where theperson resides may revoke a permit subsequent to a hearing for any of thefollowing reasons:
(1) Fraud or intentionalor material misrepresentation in the obtaining of a permit.
(2) Misuse of a permit,including lending or giving a permit to another person, duplicating a permit,or using a permit with the intent to unlawfully cause harm to a person orproperty.
(3) The doing of an actor existence of a condition which would have been grounds for the denial of thepermit by the sheriff.
(4) The violation of anyof the terms of this Article.
(5) The applicant isadjudicated guilty of or receives a prayer for judgment continued for a crimewhich would have disqualified the applicant from initially receiving a permit.
A permittee may appeal therevocation, or nonrenewal of a permit by petitioning a district court judge ofthe district in which the applicant resides. The determination by the court, onappeal, shall be upon the facts, the law, and the reasonableness of thesheriff's refusal.
(b) The court maysuspend a permit as part of and for the duration of any orders permitted underChapter 50B of the General Statutes. (1995, c. 398, s. 1.)