§ 14-415.17. Permit; sheriff to retain and make available to law enforcement agencies a list of permittees.
§14‑415.17. Permit; sheriff to retain and make available to lawenforcement agencies a list of permittees.
The permit shall be in acertificate form, as prescribed by the Administrative Office of the Courts,that is approximately the size of a North Carolina drivers license. It shallbear the signature, name, address, date of birth, and social security number ofthe permittee, and the drivers license identification number used in applyingfor the permit. The sheriff shall maintain a listing of those persons who areissued a permit and any pertinent information regarding the issued permit. Thepermit information shall be available upon request to all State and local lawenforcement agencies.
Within five days of the date apermit is issued, the sheriff shall send a copy of the permit to the StateBureau of Investigation. The State Bureau of Investigation shall make thisinformation available to law enforcement officers and clerks of court on astatewide system. (1995, c. 398, s. 1.)