§ 14-413. Permits for use at public exhibitions.
§ 14‑413. Permits foruse at public exhibitions.
(a) For the purpose ofenforcing the provisions of this Article, the board of county commissioners ofany county, or the governing board of a city authorized pursuant to subsection(a1) of this section, may issue permits for use in connection with the conductof concerts or public exhibitions, such as fairs, carnivals, shows of alldescriptions and public celebrations, but only after satisfactory evidence isproduced to the effect that said pyrotechnics will be used for theaforementioned purposes and none other. Provided that no such permit shall berequired for a public exhibition authorized by The University of North Carolinaor the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and conducted on lands or buildingsin Orange County owned by The University of North Carolina or the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill.
(a1) For the purpose ofenforcing the provisions of this Article, a board of county commissioners mayauthorize the governing body of any city in the county to issue permitspursuant to the provisions of this Article for pyrotechnics to be exhibited,used, or discharged within the corporate limits of the city for use inconnection with the conduct of concerts or public exhibitions. The board ofcounty commissioners shall adopt a resolution granting the authority to thecity, and it shall remain in effect until withdrawn by the board of countycommissioners adopting a subsequent resolution withdrawing the authority. If acity lies in more than one county, the board of county commissioners of eachcounty in which the city lies must adopt an authorizing resolution. If anycounty in which the city lies withdraws the authority of the city to issuepermits for the use of pyrotechnics, the authority of the city to issue permitsfor the use of pyrotechnics will end, and all counties within which the citylies must resume their authority to issue the permits.
(b) For any indoor useof pyrotechnics at a concert or public exhibition, the board of commissionersor the governing body of an authorized city may not issue any permit unless thelocal fire marshal or the State Fire Marshal (or in the case of The Universityof North Carolina or the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill it may notauthorize such concert or public exhibition unless the State Fire Marshal) hascertified that:
(1) Adequate firesuppression will be used at the site.
(2) The structure issafe for the use of such pyrotechnics with the type of fire suppression to beused.
(3) Adequate egress fromthe building is available based on the size of the expected crowd.
(c) The requirements ofsubsection (b) of this section also apply to any city authorized to grantpyrotechnic permits by local act and to the officer delegated the power to grantsuch permits by local act.
(d) (EffectiveFebruary 1, 2010) A board of county commissioners or the governing board ofa city shall not issue a permit under this section unless the display operatorprovides proof of insurance in the amount of at least five hundred thousanddollars ($500,000) or the minimum amount required under the North CarolinaState Building Code pursuant to G.S. 143‑138(e), whichever is greater. Aboard of county commissioners or the governing board of a city may requireproof of insurance that exceeds these minimum requirements. (1947, c. 210, s. 4; 1993(Reg. Sess., 1994), c. 660, s. 3.1; 1995, c. 509, s. 11; 2003‑298, s. 1;2007‑38, s. 2; 2009‑507, s. 2.)