§ 14-305. Agreements with reference to slot machines or devices made unlawful.

§14‑305.  Agreements with reference to slot machines or devices madeunlawful.

It shall be unlawful to makeor permit to be made with any person any agreement with reference to any slotmachines or device where the user may become entitled to receive any money,credit, allowance, or any thing of value, as defined in G.S. 14‑306pursuant to which the user thereof may become entitled to receive any money,credit, allowance, or anything of value or additional chance or right to usesuch machines or devices, or to receive any check, slug, token or memorandumentitling the holder to receive any money, credit, allowance or thing of value.(1937, c. 196, s. 2; 1989, c. 406, s. 6.)