§ 14-208.7. (See Editor's note for applicability) Registration.
Part 2. Sex Offender and PublicProtection Registration Program.
§ 14‑208.7. (SeeEditor's note for applicability) Registration.
(a) A person who is aState resident and who has a reportable conviction shall be required tomaintain registration with the sheriff of the county where the person resides.If the person moves to North Carolina from outside this State, the person shallregister within three business days of establishing residence in this State, orwhenever the person has been present in the State for 15 days, whichever comesfirst. If the person is a current resident of North Carolina, the person shallregister:
(1) Within threebusiness days of release from a penal institution or arrival in a county tolive outside a penal institution; or
(2) Immediately uponconviction for a reportable offense where an active term of imprisonment wasnot imposed.
Registration shall be maintainedfor a period of at least 30 years following the date of initial countyregistration unless the person, after 10 years of registration, successfullypetitions the superior court to shorten his or her registration time periodunder G.S. 14‑208.12A.
(a1) A person who is anonresident student or a nonresident worker and who has a reportableconviction, or is required to register in the person's state of residency, isrequired to maintain registration with the sheriff of the county where theperson works or attends school. In addition to the information required undersubsection (b) of this section, the person shall also provide informationregarding the person's school or place of employment as appropriate and theperson's address in his or her state of residence.
(b) The Division shallprovide each sheriff with forms for registering persons as required by thisArticle. The registration form shall require all of the following:
(1) The person's fullname, each alias, date of birth, sex, race, height, weight, eye color, haircolor, drivers license number, and home address.
(2) The type of offensefor which the person was convicted, the date of conviction, and the sentenceimposed.
(3) A current photographtaken by the sheriff, without charge, at the time of registration.
(4) The person'sfingerprints taken by the sheriff, without charge, at the time of registration.
(5) A statement indicatingwhether the person is a student or expects to enroll as a student within a yearof registering. If the person is a student or expects to enroll as a studentwithin a year of registration, then the registration form shall also requirethe name and address of the educational institution at which the person is astudent or expects to enroll as a student.
(6) A statementindicating whether the person is employed or expects to be employed at aninstitution of higher education within a year of registering. If the person isemployed or expects to be employed at an institution of higher education withina year of registration, then the registration form shall also require the nameand address of the educational institution at which the person is or expects tobe employed.
(7) Any onlineidentifier that the person uses or intends to use.
(c) When a personregisters, the sheriff with whom the person registered shall immediately sendthe registration information to the Division in a manner determined by the Division.The sheriff shall retain the original registration form and other informationcollected and shall compile the information that is a public record under thisPart into a county registry.
(d) Any person requiredto register under this section shall report in person at the appropriatesheriff's office to comply with the registration requirements set out in thissection. The sheriff shall provide the registrant with written proof ofregistration at the time of registration. (1995, c. 545, s. 1; 1997‑516, s. 1; 2001‑373,s. 4; 2002‑147, s. 17; 2006‑247, s. 5(a); 2008‑117, s. 8;2008‑220, s. 2.)