§ 14-168.3. Prima facie evidence of intent to convert property.
§ 14‑168.3. Prima facieevidence of intent to convert property.
It shall be prima facieevidence of intent to commit a crime as set forth in G.S. 14‑167, 14‑168,and 14‑168.1 with respect to any property other than a truck, automobile,or other motor vehicle when one who has, by written instrument, leased orrented the personal property of another:
(1) Failed or refused toreturn such property to its owner after the lease, bailment, or rentalagreement has expired,
a. Within 10 days, and
b. Within 48 hoursafter written demand for return thereof is personally served or given byregistered mail delivered to the last known address provided in such lease orrental agreement, or
(2) When the leasing orrental of such personal property is obtained by presentation of identificationto the lessor or rentor thereof which is false, fictitious, or knowingly notcurrent as to name, address, place of employment, or other identification. (1965, c. 1118; 2005‑182,s. 2.)