§ 14-160.2. Alteration, destruction, or removal of serial number from firearm; possession of firearm with serial number removed.
§ 14‑160.2. Alteration,destruction, or removal of serial number from firearm; possession of firearmwith serial number removed.
(a) It shall beunlawful for any person to alter, deface, destroy, or remove the permanentserial number, manufacturer's identification plate, or other permanentdistinguishing number or identification mark from any firearm with the intentthereby to conceal or misrepresent the identity of the firearm.
(b) It shall beunlawful for any person knowingly to sell, buy, or be in possession of anyfirearm on which the permanent serial number, manufacturer's identificationplate, or other permanent distinguishing number or identification mark has beenaltered, defaced, destroyed, or removed for the purpose of concealing ormisrepresenting the identity of the firearm.
(c) A violation of anyof the provisions of this section shall be a Class H felony. (2009‑204, s. 2.)