§ 14-12.6. Meeting places and meetings of secret societies regulated.
§14‑12.6. Meeting places and meetings of secret societies regulated.
Every secret society which hasbeen or is now being formed and organized within the State, and which hasmembers within the State shall forthwith provide or cause to be provided foreach unit, lodge, council, group of members, grand lodge or general supervisingunit a regular meeting place in some building or structure, and shall forthwithplace and thereafter regularly keep a plainly visible sign or placard on theimmediate exterior of such building or structure or on the immediate exteriorof the meeting room or hall within such building or structure, if the entirebuilding or structure is not controlled by such secret society, bearing uponsaid sign or placard the name of the secret society, the name of the particularunit, lodge, council, group of members, grand lodge or general supervising unitthereof and the name of the secretary, officer, organizer or member thereof whoknows the purposes of the secret society and who knows or has a list of thenames and addresses of the members thereof, and as such secretary, officer,organizer or member dies, removes, resigns or is replaced, his or hersuccessor's name shall be placed upon such sign or placard; any person orpersons who shall hereafter undertake to form and organize any secret societyor solicit membership for a secret society within the State shall fully complywith the foregoing provisions of this section before forming and organizingsuch secret society and before soliciting memberships therein; all units,lodges, councils, groups of members, grand lodge and general supervising unitsof all secret societies within the State shall hold all of their secretmeetings at the regular meeting place of their respective units, lodges, councils,group of members, grand lodge or general supervising units or at the regularmeeting place of some other unit, lodge, council, group of members, grand lodgeor general supervising unit of the same secret society, and at no other placeunless notice is given of the time and place of the meeting and the name of thesecret society holding the meeting in some newspaper having circulation in thelocality where the meeting is to be held at least two days before the meeting. (1953,c. 1193, s. 5.)