§ 136-82. Department of Transportation to establish and maintain ferries.
Ferries, etc., and TollBridges.
§ 136‑82. Department ofTransportation to establish and maintain ferries.
The Department ofTransportation is vested with authority to provide for the establishment andmaintenance of ferries connecting the parts of the State highway system,whenever in its discretion the public good may so require, and to prescribe andcollect such tolls therefor as may, in the discretion of the Department ofTransportation, be expedient.
To accomplish the purpose ofthis section said Department of Transportation is authorized to acquire, own,lease, charter or otherwise control all necessary vessels, boats, terminals orother facilities required for the proper operation of such ferries or to enterinto contracts with persons, firms or corporations for the operation thereofand to pay therefor such reasonable sums as may in the opinion of saidDepartment of Transportation represent the fair value of the public servicerendered.
The Department ofTransportation, notwithstanding any other provision of law, may operate, orcontract for the operation of, concessions on the ferries and at ferryfacilities to provide to passengers on the ferries food, drink, and otherrefreshments, personal comfort items, and souvenirs publicizing the ferrysystem. (1927, c. 223; 1933, c. 172, s. 17; 1957, c. 65, s.11; 1973, c. 507, s. 5; 1977, c. 464, s. 7.1; 1989, c. 752, s. 101; 1995, c.211, s. 1.)