§ 135-14.1. Certain school superintendents and assistant superintendents.
§135‑14.1. Certain school superintendents and assistant superintendents.
Any person who has been asuperintendent or assistant superintendent in the public schools of NorthCarolina for a total of 20 years or more and who was not a superintendent orassistant superintendent in the public schools of this State at the time of theenactment of the Teachers' and State Employees' Retirement System Act, the samebeing this Chapter, and whose cessation of employment as a superintendent orassistant superintendent was not due to any dishonorable cause shall beentitled to receive benefits under said Retirement Act for such services in thesame manner and to the same extent as such 20 years of prior service would haveentitled such superintendent or assistant superintendent had he or she been asuperintendent or assistant superintendent in the public schools at the timesaid Retirement Act became effective, and had chosen to become a member of theRetirement System, provided that such former superintendent or assistantsuperintendent has returned to State service and been employed for at leastfive years and has reached the age of 65 before July 1, 1957; provided,further, the monthly benefit to such former superintendent or assistantsuperintendent shall be equal to the minimum provided with respect to teachersunder the provisions of G.S. 135‑14, as amended. (1957,c. 1431.)